Tuesday, May 6, 2014

End of class

I enjoyed this class because it was very laid back. It wasn't boring like other classes. The amount of work was fair and the class was a very easy A/B. I could tell from the beginning you cared about your students. I'm thankful that I had a college teacher that cared about the students being successful in their class.
I wish we could have been able to write a paper that was completely up to us topic wise, but that is really the only thing I can think of I would have changed. There wasn't anything I disliked. I think you're an awesome teacher.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Part 3

Chapter 1: Anne has finally returned to the 21st century. After she wakes up from passing out, she thinks she is still in 16th century. She had a fit and was being taken to the hospital via ambulance. She is going in and out of consciousness and keeps seeing her 16th century friends and family's faces. At the hospital, they told her she had a ruptured aneurism and that's what caused her to pass out. She had to have surgery. The doctors also told her she has another aneurism that they can't get to and it could have end results like this one. After that, she started talking about Daniel. Daniel is her boyfriend with a wife and a child.

Chapter 2: This is 2 weeks later, and Anne finally gets to leave the hospital. She also got to see her friend Kate again. Anne explains that Daniel is reminding her of Henry.  Anne seems to be stuck missing being in the 16th century. It's all she's talking about. Anne explains that her and Daniel now fall even more in love with one another. Also she keeps bringing up how Daniel won't leave his wife because he feels that his daughter will resent him. Anne asks Daniel to take her to Hever. He tells her wait four weeks to ensure she's better, then he will take her.

Chapter 3: Anne got her stitches out and her hair is finally growing back. She tells us her parents and brother were killed in a car accident when she was younger and her grandparents then had to take care of her. It is Anne's birthday and Daniel is going to take her on a picnic. She then tells him she wants the picnic at the Ankerwycke Yew where her and Henry used to go in Runnymede. They arrive at the Yew, but it is not how Anne last saw it. It hasn't been taken care of and it looks run down. She then starts to cry. Daniel tries to comfort her but it doesn't work. Anne ends up telling Daniel what happened to her in the 16th century and she thinks he will think she is crazy but he claims he accepts it.

Chapter 4: It's finally time for Anne to take her trip to Hever. She is looking at all the paintings, remembering all that happened with her and Henry. She says the pictures of Henry show he is bigger than what he was when she had met him. She becomes sad after seeing everything and how different it has became. Anne explains that the picture of Anne Boleyn is saying "This is me, this is Anne Boleyn". After that she then goes and visits St. Peters Church. Anne had went there to go visit the now dead, Thomas Boleyn.

Chapter 5: It has ben 20 months since Anne has visited Hever. She views herself as a ticking time bomb due to her illness in her head. Daniel's daughter had become sick and he claims it was God's way of punishing him for cheating on his wife, so he then became very distant with Anne. During this time England was celebrating the most famous monarchs. That also reminded her of her and Henry's romance. Her hair has finally all grown back. When Anne is looking at Greenwich again, all memories are going through her head.  She gets a text from Daniel saying how him and his wife got in an argument and he cant take it anymore and he asked Anne if she still wanted him. She then goes to the British library. Daniel tells Anne he has finally left his wife and he wants to be with only Anne now.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Chapters 19-22

Chapter 19: Everyone was outside having a go time when all of a sudden Nan came running and crying to Anne telling her boyfriend, Master Zouche  had taken the book. While Zouche was reading the book, one of Wolsey's men came and took it from him. Anne then goes to talk to the King about what happened. After Anne told Henry, he gave her his gold ring and told her to switch it for the book and bring it back to him.

Chapter 20: Anne is telling her father about what happened with the book, and explains Henry was pretty happy when he started reading it and he felt every King should read it. Henry went to Anne's for a dinner. She finds out Princess Mary has the measles. While at dinner, they were waiting for Dr. Foxe to arrive to give them news about what the Pope said. Anne then brings up the Cardinal and asks Henry if he is surprised by the way he treats Anne. At the end of the chapter
Anne and Henry found out the Pope granted the annulment so they can finally be together without hiding.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


In chapter 16, it took place at the Windsor Castle. Anne needs to flirt with a friend of Wolsey's, and make the Cardinal like her. She thinks if she does this the Cardinal will then let Thomas Cheney have Anne Broughton. Anne brought it up to the king, and surprisingly he was okay with letting her flirt with another man. It is also the first day of Lent in this chapter. Anne tries talking Heneage into having the Cardinal forgive Thomas and allow him to be with the other Anne. Heneage tells her he will speak to the Cardinal.

In chapter 17, Anne still doesn't know if Thomas will be allowed to be with Anne Broughton, but she says Thomas and her stepfather are at a truce. Anne keeps receiving gifts from the Cardinal and after she sees the wine he sent her, she thinks he is being so nice because she's an enemy to him. Anne and Margery are in Anne's room, when her brother comes to her. She asks why has the king not said anything to her and where is he going. Her brother tells her the king sent him to tell Anne h wants her company at a picnic with him at Windsor Manor. Henry brought men from his Privy Chamber, and Anne brought her three ladies. When Anne and Henry made it to the manor, a 60 year old man, George Talbot, greeted them. While they are at their picnic, a man named Will was doing comedy for them. He brought out a pet monkey, and Anne told him she is scared of monkeys. Anne and Henry started to dance, then Anne took her shoes off, which is something that isn't usually done in this time period. The end of the chapter, Henry told Anne "I love you", she hesitated, but she said it back to him.

Chapter 18 takes place at the Palace of Placentia in Greenwich. It is now the beginning of summer, and everyone is planning for the May Day festivities. Anne found out that Katherine, the Queen, would be accompanying him in the joust. Anne was very jealous. She went to her room and kept pacing back and forth. Nan went to see if she was okay, and while she was up there she found the copy of the book 'The Obedience of a Christian Man'. Anne told Nan that she should read it, and keep it close to her because it is an illegal book. Anne only did that because she knew in the future one of Wolsey's men would steal it from Nan and Anne would know what to do.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Chap 13-15

In chapter 13, Anne and her mother are preparing for the Christmas season. Anne's long time friend, Margery, came to visit. Margery is Thomas Wyatt's older sister. Margery tells Anne about her husband's health and how he's not doing too good, and how she plan to go see her family. She also invited Anne to go with her and visit family. Margery then brings up the situation between Anne and Henry. Anne tells her the truth about how he is going to make her his wife and everything. Two weeks later Anne and her mom were back in Hever. King Henry noticed that Thomas had Anne's locket and he burst into Anne's home and demanded she tell him if she cheated on him.

In chapter 14, we find out that Henry has gave Anne a white horse for a New Year's present. The King sends two men to deliver his letter to Anne.Dr. Foxxe gave Anne a book called 'The Obedience of a Christian Man".

In chapter 15, it took place at the Windsor Castle. Anne and her mother went to go see King Henry. We find out if it wasn't for Katherine's nephew, the Pope would have already gave Henry the annulment. Anne and her mom are guests of honor. Finally, after four months, Anne and Henry are together again. Anne finally got her two maids, Anne Gainford and Mary  Norris. Anne was headed to a private feast in the Privy Chamber. The next morning when Anne and Henry met up, she noticed the Queen looking from her Privy Chamber and realized she had seen her and Henry kiss. They ended up running into each other, and the Queen said something mean to Anne, but she replied back with something just as rude.


My love for you
Has always been true
Even in my darkest days
I can always find light in your eyes

You make me smile
Even when I'm blue
I can't picture myself
With anyone but you

You are the one
I've always longed for
The only one
That's been in my dreams

You are who
I want to spend the rest of my days with
For better or for worse
I'll always be with you

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Chapter nine: The author has introduced a new character by the name of Charles Brandon. The Duke wants Anne to destroy Wolsey, but she tells them she cannot do that. In the end of the chapter, Anne travels with Katherine to The Palace of Richmond.

Chapter ten: When this chapter first starts out, Anne and Katherine have arrived at The Palace of Richmond. Anne gets to meet Wolsey, but not on good terms as they got into a verbal argument. We later find out The King of France denies the annulment and King Henry becomes furious.

Chapter eleven: The court then moves to The Palace of Placentia at Greenwich. It upsets Anne quite a bit that Henry and Katherine are still together, but she tries to continue hiding it. Anne tells her friend Nan about her and King Henry and how he plans to make her his Queen. Anne and George went on an adventure, knowing their dad would get mad at them. In the end, King Henry tells Anne he is done waiting for Katherine and he will be giving Anne her own ladies in waiting.

Chapter twelve: In the beginning of this chapter Anne decides to tell Henry she is thinking about moving back with her mom for a little while so all the rumors and gossip about them will die down. Anne asks Nan, Mary, and Joan to be a part of her household. They received their first snow of the season. While staying with her mom, her mom hands her a book to read that is banned in England. In the end, Anne hides the banned book in between two volumes of a book in her dads book collection.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Anne Boleyn book

Chapter 4: This is getting kind of interesting. More things are happening with Anne and King Henry.
I don't really understand why Anne picked out a ship ring for Henry. Why is she getting him a ring if they aren't even married or engaged yet? Also, I'm not understanding what Anne's letter is really talking about or why she called herself a servant.

Chapter 5: This chapter is really confusing. Does Anne's dad have another wife or am I missing something? Who is Lady Elizabeth? What are the adults talking about and why do the girls have to go play in the garden? I think it's really sweet Wyatt wrote that poem about Anne because he's loved her for so long. What kind of game are they playing, and why is that locket so important to Anne?

Chapter 6: Since when did Anne have a brother? Some of these things just aren't making sense to me. How are people in the real world not noticing that their friend is gone? Will she ever go back to herself? Did her real world life just go on pause or something? And also, what does the signature mean on Henry's letter?

Chapter 7:  What is a 'Book of Hours'? This chapter kind of made me laugh to myself because Anne can't stand Katherine and she has to continue rubbing her feet and stuff while she's going behind her back and running around with Katherine's husband. What is the date? How much longer until it's the end of the year when Henry and Katherine won't be together anymore?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Chapter one was confusing to me. Also, it was boring in the beginning. I didn't really know what was going on and there wasn't really anything there for me to try and grasp to get the concept.

Chapter two was more interesting than Chapter one. But I'm still a little confused. Is the Author Anne? Is she writing as herself in the situation? Is she writing as if she is someone else instead of Sarah Morris? It was interesting how she was feeling nauseas then all of a sudden she pretty much passed out and entered into this whole different world. Where did you get the idea to do that? What gave you ideas to write the book and start it out like this?

Chapter three is interesting to me as well. The story has captured my attention. It is seeming like this story so far is a little like a Romeo and Juliet kinda thing, but with more women involved with Henry than just one. It makes me wonder what will happen in Chapter four.

Chapter four kind of surprised me. How can your dad just tell you to say yes to some old guy asking you to marry him just because he is king..? my dad would freak out... I also don't understand why they are going hunting, but I'm still trying to figure it out. Im still wondering if the author is actually Anne or if this is a dream to her or what.. still confused

Thursday, February 27, 2014

When reading the page 432 really helped me. It showed me a few examples of how I can make my papers better by using clear organization and how to analyze cause and effects.
Also, pages 434 and 435 helped by answering some questions I actually had and also giving me other page numbers I can go back to if I need a detailed explanation/answer.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


             The rough draft is used to get the main idea of what you'll be including in your paper and how it will be set up. Also to express and connect ideas, it shows you what you should change and how to rearrange ideas to create a better layout, and how to make a better and more interesting story/essay. Writing the rough draft for me was hard at first, but once I started writing a little more than 2 paragraphs, it went by a little faster, and became a little easier.
             These chapters helped me learn how I can be more specific and make my sentences and ideas more detailed. It also helped me to be more organized with my outlines, putting my ideas together, and how I can create a better thesis statement. The chapters I read helped me on how to get a better structure for my draft and finalized paper. It also gave me examples how to keep my audience interested, have a well written story, and how to increase giving better vivid descriptions. Also, the book showed me including exact feelings, thoughts; even ages can improve a paper as well.

              I'm planning on getting a tattoo very soon. My uncle passed away a few months ago, on November 6th. He and I were very close, and I have no pictures of him. It still feels like a big piece of me is missing, but I feel when I'm able to see a reminder of him daily it will become reality to me. It will be a way to help me cope and it will be a symbol of remembrance of my uncle forever.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

       Communication, writing, and reading. How often do you use those three words in everyday life? The answer would be daily. A few examples are listed below.
  • Spending time with family. Well, to spend time with family what better way to do it than communicating? Talking with each other about the day, events that happened, etc. all use communication.
  • Writing a grocery list. Grammar and writing are pretty much the only two factors, other than your thought process, that you use to create a grocery list.
  • Cell phones. All three of these things can be used on a cell phone. Communication is used with sending e-mail, texts, and also making phone calls. For texts you would use reading and writing.
  • Paying taxes. This is probably one of the few times a year an adult actually dreads knowing how to read, write, and even communicate. In order to pay taxes you will use all three also. Even when filing taxes online you still have to be able to sign your name, read exactly what you need to include in the paperwork, and to communicate with the government (and/or the Mr./Ms. that helps you file them). 
  • Buying cars and a house. It's pretty much the same as paying taxes. You will have to fill out paperwork, sign several places, and communicate with the salesperson to try and get a decent deal on your vehicle or soon to be new home.
  • Social media sites. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest. To use all of these you will be reading everyone virtually says. You can also communicate with friends, relatives, etc. by writing comments, messaging, tagging them in photos.
  • Doctor appointments. You will need communication to be able to call and schedule your appointment. You will need to be able to speak to your doctor or nurse to let them know what's been going on and how you've been feeling. Reading would be included, too. If you were prescribed a medication you would like to be able to figure out what it is you're supposed to be taking and the side effects to that certain medicine.
  • Schooling. Communication is very important in schooling as well. As is writing, reading, and plenty other skills. You will most likely have presentations, which include you standing and talking in front of your classmates and teacher. You will need to know how to read and write for when you have papers and essays also.
    As for what I found useful on Prezi, it would have to be the sentence "Attitude is everything", put on one of the slides. I don't necessarily always find it useful for myself, but if I was to put myself in someone else's shoes it's a big possibility they could find it useful. For those who don't understand the quote, or don't even know why it's a quote, picture yourself in the biggest business meeting in your life. You're standing there, right in front of all your bosses in your best suit, and you're as nervous as ever, but yet, you don't show it. You go into that meeting saying to yourself  "I know I can do this, I know I can", you stand tall, talk with confidence in your voice, and you keep a positive outlook on the whole situation even if you were to miss a sentence or pronounce a few words the wrong way. Your bosses will remember your presentation because you were confident, you had the right attitude, and you didn't let your nerves show. Now, on to your co-worker who let his/her nervousness show, spoke softly, and kept stopping once they thought they had messed up for good. Your co-worker could have a great attitude outside of meetings, but really, one of the most major things he/she will be remembered for is the attitude they had inside that business meeting. So, with that being said, attitude really is everything in my eyes.