Thursday, March 27, 2014

Anne Boleyn book

Chapter 4: This is getting kind of interesting. More things are happening with Anne and King Henry.
I don't really understand why Anne picked out a ship ring for Henry. Why is she getting him a ring if they aren't even married or engaged yet? Also, I'm not understanding what Anne's letter is really talking about or why she called herself a servant.

Chapter 5: This chapter is really confusing. Does Anne's dad have another wife or am I missing something? Who is Lady Elizabeth? What are the adults talking about and why do the girls have to go play in the garden? I think it's really sweet Wyatt wrote that poem about Anne because he's loved her for so long. What kind of game are they playing, and why is that locket so important to Anne?

Chapter 6: Since when did Anne have a brother? Some of these things just aren't making sense to me. How are people in the real world not noticing that their friend is gone? Will she ever go back to herself? Did her real world life just go on pause or something? And also, what does the signature mean on Henry's letter?

Chapter 7:  What is a 'Book of Hours'? This chapter kind of made me laugh to myself because Anne can't stand Katherine and she has to continue rubbing her feet and stuff while she's going behind her back and running around with Katherine's husband. What is the date? How much longer until it's the end of the year when Henry and Katherine won't be together anymore?

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