Thursday, April 24, 2014

Chapters 19-22

Chapter 19: Everyone was outside having a go time when all of a sudden Nan came running and crying to Anne telling her boyfriend, Master Zouche  had taken the book. While Zouche was reading the book, one of Wolsey's men came and took it from him. Anne then goes to talk to the King about what happened. After Anne told Henry, he gave her his gold ring and told her to switch it for the book and bring it back to him.

Chapter 20: Anne is telling her father about what happened with the book, and explains Henry was pretty happy when he started reading it and he felt every King should read it. Henry went to Anne's for a dinner. She finds out Princess Mary has the measles. While at dinner, they were waiting for Dr. Foxe to arrive to give them news about what the Pope said. Anne then brings up the Cardinal and asks Henry if he is surprised by the way he treats Anne. At the end of the chapter
Anne and Henry found out the Pope granted the annulment so they can finally be together without hiding.

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